Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Teenagers Involved In Random Sex Prone To Fertility Problems
KUALA LUMPUR, July 29 (Bernama) -- The younger generation, especially teenagers active in random sex, are more likely to face fertility problems after marriage, said andrologist Prof Dr Ismail Thambi.
He said pressure put on the reproductive system when engaging in the activity could damage the reproductive system.
He said failure of the reproductive organs were usually caused by bacterial infection, fungus and virus obtained through unhygienic sexual activities with multiple partners.
Dr Ismail reminded teenagers and the younger generation to stay away from the unhealthy activities and to think about their future.
"Many couples who fail to conceive came to me. I found that one of them was infected with bacteria and virus from frequent random sexual activities before marriage," he said.
Some couples were also disappointed when they found out that their partner had been involved in the unhealthy activity, he said.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Effects of Alcohol and Drugs Abuse
1. Alcohol causes sense of warmth due to dilation of blood vessel of skin and stomach. But high doses of alcohol reduce temperature.
2. Heavy alcohol drinkers can neglect their health but soon there body loses its resistance against infection.
3. Alcohol affects the skeleton system. It affects calcium metabolism therefore it increases the risk of fracture and death of bone mass.
4. Alcoholics have rate of carcinoma (spread of cancer) 10 times higher than expected in general population.
6. It acts as sedative as it reduces the efficiency of body organs by reducing blood supply.
7. In males, it includes reduction of size of testes, decreased sperm production, acne, and potential for kidney and liver dysfunction, premature baldness.
8. In females, it causes abnormal menstrual cycles, deepening of voice, increase aggression, excessive hair growth on face and body and mood swings.
9. These drugs act directly on central nervous system of the body and their continuous use can lead to failure of nervous system.
10. The intravenous drug abusers have the more chances of getting the deadly and incurable disease like AIDS and Hepatitis B.
1. As most of the drug abusers are adolescents therefore child should not be pressed unduly to do beyond his limit because if anyone pressurized him to do beyond his limit then for his satisfaction he started taking drugs. As these drugs satisfied therefore he gets addicted to it.
2. Proper education must be given to the peoples about the harmful effect of taking drugs.
3. The company of the friends who encourage their friends to take drugs should be avoided.
4. The individuals to help the drug abusers should launch various dead diction and rehabilitation programmers.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Kesan Kata-Kata Negatif & Positif
Setelah mendengarkan info tentang pengaruh Kata-Kata Negatif terhadap Air
yang ditulis dalam buku " The Hidden Messages in Water " karya Masaru
Emoto dan pada halaman 31 buku tersebut disebutkan tentang banyaknya orang
yg melakukan percobaan, sayapun tertarik untuk melakukannya sbb:
1. Tempatkan Nasi sisa yg sdh didiamkan semalaman kedalam 2 toples dgn
jumlah yg sama, kemudian ditutup rapat.
2. Masing-masing toples di tempelin label yg berisi kata2 sbb:
3. Toples A : " Kamu Pintar, Cerdas, Cantik, Baik, Rajin, Sabar, Aku
Sayang Padamu, Aku Senang Sekali Melihatmu, Aku Ingin Selalu di dekatmu, I
LOVE YOU, Terima Kasih.
4. Toples B : " Kamu Bodoh, Goblok, Jelek, Jahat, Malas, Pemarah, Aku
Benci Melihatmu, Aku Sebel Tidak mau dekat dekat kamu "
5. Botol 2 ini saya letakkan terpisah dan pada tempat yg sering dilihat,
saya pesan pada istri, anak, dan pembantu untuk membaca label pada botol
tersebut setiap kali melihat botol2 tersebut.
6. Dan inilah yang terjadi pada nasi tersebut setelah 1 minggu kemudian :
Nasi dalam botol yg di bacakan kata-kata Negatif ternyata cepat sekali
berubah menjadi busuk dan berwarna hitam dgn bau yg tidak sedap.
Sedangkan Nasi dalam botol yg di bacakan kata-kata Positif masih berwarna
putih kekuningan dan baunya harum seperti ragi.
Nah Silahkan teman-teman mencobanya sendiri.
Kalau di buku di katakan ada yg mencoba dgn tiga botol dimana botol ketiga
tidak di beri label apa2 alias diabaikan / tidak diperdulikan, dan ternyat
beras dlm botol yg diabaikan membusuk jauh lebih cepat dibandingkan botol
yg dipapar kata " Kamu Bodoh".
Bayangkan apa yang akan terjadi dengan anak-anak kita, pasangan hidup
kita, rekan-rekan kerja kita, dan orang-orang disekeliling kita, bahkan
binatang dan tumbuhan disekeliling kita pun akan merasakan efek yang
ditimbulkan dari getaran-getaran yg berasal dari pikiran, dan ucapan yang
kita lontarkan setiap saat kepada mereka.
Maka sebaiknya selalulah sadar dan bijaksana dalam memillih kata-kata yg
akan keluar dari mulut kita, demikian juga kendalikanlah pikiran-pikiran
yg timbul dalam batin kita.
Semoga tulisan ini bermanfaat untuk kita semua.