Saturday, July 19, 2008

Effects of Alcohol and Drugs Abuse

1. Alcohol causes sense of warmth due to dilation of blood vessel of skin and stomach. But high doses of alcohol reduce temperature.

2. Heavy alcohol drinkers can neglect their health but soon there body loses its resistance against infection.

3. Alcohol affects the skeleton system. It affects calcium metabolism therefore it increases the risk of fracture and death of bone mass.

4. Alcoholics have rate of carcinoma (spread of cancer) 10 times higher than expected in general population.

5. Alcohol generates a large amount of energy in the form of heat on oxidation. This heat is lost through skin casing flushing of the face and other body parts. The heat so released is of no use to body rather the body consumes its own energy for getting rid of this heat.

6. It acts as sedative as it reduces the efficiency of body organs by reducing blood supply.

7. In males, it includes reduction of size of testes, decreased sperm production, acne, and potential for kidney and liver dysfunction, premature baldness.

8. In females, it causes abnormal menstrual cycles, deepening of voice, increase aggression, excessive hair growth on face and body and mood swings.

9. These drugs act directly on central nervous system of the body and their continuous use can lead to failure of nervous system.

10. The intravenous drug abusers have the more chances of getting the deadly and incurable disease like AIDS and Hepatitis B.


1. As most of the drug abusers are adolescents therefore child should not be pressed unduly to do beyond his limit because if anyone pressurized him to do beyond his limit then for his satisfaction he started taking drugs. As these drugs satisfied therefore he gets addicted to it.

2. Proper education must be given to the peoples about the harmful effect of taking drugs.

3. The company of the friends who encourage their friends to take drugs should be avoided.

4. The individuals to help the drug abusers should launch various dead diction and rehabilitation programmers.


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