Monday, September 1, 2008

Perfume 'risk to unborn babies'

Pregnant woman
The first three months of pregnancy are vital to future fertility

Pregnant women have been told that using perfumes or scented creams may increase the risk of unborn boys developing infertility in later life.

Edinburgh University researchers claimed a crucial window between eight and 12 weeks of pregnancy determined future reproductive problems.

They believe that exposure to chemicals found in cosmetics during this period may affect later sperm production.

But they stressed there was not yet conclusive proof this was the case.

The research team was led by Professor Richard Sharpe of the Medical Research Council's Human Reproductive Sciences Unit, based in Edinburgh.

Testicular cancer

During tests on rats, they blocked the action of androgens, which include male sex hormones such as testosterone.

The experiments confirmed that if the hormones are blocked, the animals suffered fertility problems.

Some of the chemicals which can block the hormones are widely used in the production of items such as cosmetics, household fabrics and plastics.

Prof Sharpe said the chemicals may also increase the risk of baby boys developing other reproductive conditions in later life, including testicular cancer.

He added that women planning on becoming pregnant should avoid putting any cosmetic products on their skin which could then be absorbed into their bodies. [source]

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